Undergraduate policies, procedures and forms
The following policies, procedures and forms are specific to College of Global Futures undergraduate degree programs and courses. Additional information can be found in the student handbooks below. As a student, you should also be aware of university-level policies, which can be found in the ASU Catalog.
Major maps
BA in innovation in society major maps
BS in innovation in society major maps
BS in sustainable food systems major maps
BA in sustainability major maps
BS in sustainability major maps
BS in ocean futures major maps
BS in ocean futures (coastal and marine science) major maps
- CGF Undergraduate Standards Petition (for exceptions to major requirements).
- ASU Undergraduate Standards Petition (for exceptions to university requirements).
- ASU Course Repeat Request
- Registrar Forms.
- SOS 492,493 Registration Form.
- SFIS Independent Study Contract.
- SOS Independent Study Application.
- Curriculum Plan
Policies and procedures
Academic integrity policy
The College of Global Futures takes academic integrity seriously and requires students to 1) have a good understanding of what academic integrity is and why it’s important, 2) understand what types of activities and behaviors violate the student honor code and ASU’s academic integrity policy as well as have an awareness that resources exist to help prevent academic integrity violations, and 3) report all academic integrity violations as soon as they arise.
Each college/school has an academic integrity officer who can address questions related to academic integrity. If there are questions, students should reach out to officers from the college/school that offers the course students have questions about.
Change of major
Initiate a change of major by completing the form located at https://changingmajors.asu.edu.
To be eligible to change your major to innovation in society, there are no additional criteria.
To be eligible to change your major to sustainability or sustainable food systems, you must have a cumulative ASU GPA of 3.0 or higher (based on at least 12 credit hours). If you do not meet the 3.0 GPA requirement, you may work with a College of Global Futures advisor to discuss a plan for registering for sustainability major courses while actively working on meeting the requirement.
Concurrent degree requests
You should schedule an appointment with a College of Global Futures undergraduate advisor to discuss declaring a concurrent degree in more detail. If you are considering a concurrent degree outside of the College of Global Futures, you should also meet with an advisor from the second degree program. (See a directory of advisors at ASU.)
You must meet the following credit hour and GPA criteria to declare a concurrent degree in the College of Global Futures:
- Completed at least 30 graded credit hours
- School for the Future of Innovation in Society programs: minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00
- School of Sustainability programs: minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 3.00
Concurrent degrees must be approved by the academic units housing both degree programs. To submit your request, follow the university procedure outlined on this webpage.
Course repeat requests (third time repeat or requests to retake for minimum grade required)
You can repeat any course in which you earn a grade of “D” or “E” one time without special permission. For more information, see the university course repeat policy.
In special circumstances, you may be approved to repeat a course for a third time, or approved to repeat a course in which you earned a “C” when a higher grade is required for the major, minor or certificate.
To request special consideration for a third time repeat or a repeat to obtain a minimum grade, complete an ASU Course Repeat Petition. You must provide a thorough and thoughtful explanation of how you will be better prepared for success if allowed an additional attempt. Petitions with poor justifications will be denied or returned to you for additional information.
Submit the completed petition electronically to [email protected] or in person at the CGF Student Services Center front desk on the fourth floor of Walton Center for Planetary Health (WCPH). You will be notified via ASU email when your petition has been processed. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
Course withdrawal — complete session withdrawal
A complete session withdrawal from the university can be a difficult decision and could result in serious academic and financial consequences. We encourage you to first discuss a potential complete session withdrawal with an academic advisor by scheduling an appointment, or emailing [email protected].
Students receiving veterans benefits should consult with the Pat Tillman Veterans Center to determine if complete withdrawal is the best option. International students should consult the International Students and Scholars Center to determine if complete withdrawal is an option.
Follow these steps to request a complete session withdrawal:
- Review My ASU or the academic calendar for complete session withdrawal and tuition refund deadlines.
- Log in to My ASU.
- Under the My Classes section, select Registration, followed by Drop/Withdrawal.
- Indicate all classes and/or sessions for the withdrawal, answer the required questions, and select Submit Withdrawal Request.
- Your request will be reviewed, and you will be notified of the status at your ASU email account. If approved, your Complete Session Withdrawal request will be sent to the University Registrar’s Office for processing. Note: Complete session withdrawal requests for ASU Online students do not need college approval and will be processed immediately.
You must initiate a complete session withdrawal prior to the complete session withdrawal deadline, which is posted in the academic calendar. Late withdrawal requests will not be approved.
Course withdrawal — medical/compassionate withdrawal
You can be considered for a medical/compassionate withdrawal if you experience an extraordinary medical circumstance (such as serious illness or injury) or an extraordinary personal circumstance not related to your health (such as caring for a seriously ill child or a death in the immediate family) that prevents you from continuing in courses.
Please read the College of Global Futures Medical and Compassionate Withdrawal Policy for additional information and instructions. You may also meet with a College of Global Futures undergraduate advisor to discuss your situation.
All requests must be accompanied by excellent documentation of the circumstances. Requests without appropriate documentation will not be approved. “Partial” withdrawal requests (requesting withdrawal from fewer than all courses in the semester/session) can only be approved if there is a documentable reason why not all courses were affected (e.g. if you have a broken leg and wish to request a partial withdrawal for a dance movement course).
Grade appeal and academic grievance process
The College of Global Futures follows the university policy for grade appeals. Please use the ‘More information’ link below for the steps a student can take if they wish to appeal a grade or the results of a defense or exam. This process only applies to courses and programs offered through the College of Global Futures.
Incomplete grade request
Additional information about incomplete grades can be found here (under Grading Options and Definitions). If you wish to request an incomplete for a College of Global Futures course, you must fill out the Incomplete Grade Request. Work with the instructor to outline the remaining assignments and deadlines for each, which must be listed on the form. Submit the completed form to [email protected].
Instructors are not required to provide you with an “I” grade option. Additionally, instructors are not required to give you an entire year to complete the coursework. Therefore, it is important to fill out the incomplete form so you, the instructor and the advising staff know the requirements and deadlines that have been agreed upon. If no final grade has been entered after one year, the incomplete grade will automatically be converted to a grade of “E”.
Innovation in society related area elective substitutions
If you would like to request an alternative course for the related area elective requirement for the BA or BS in innovation in society, email your request to [email protected].
Include your full name, 10-digit ID number, and the prefix/number and title of the course. Write at least one paragraph explaining how this course directly relates to innovation in society and how it is related to your educational goals within the major. Attach a syllabus for the course to the email.
You will receive a response at your ASU email account when your request has been processed. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
Late add and late drop requests (adding or dropping a College of Global Futures course after the official add and drop deadline)
Late drop/add requests (dropping or adding a College of Global Futures course after the official drop/add deadline)
Late drops from College of Global Futures courses are not allowed. After the drop deadline you can withdraw from courses following the regular course withdrawal process.
If you wish to add a College of Global Futures course after the official add deadline, you may request special permission to do so. Instructor approval is required; however, instructor approval does not guarantee college approval. Add deadlines are posted on the academic calendar.
Complete the Enrollment Change Request Form in its entirety. On the back of the form, you must sign the statement acknowledging you understand the potential repercussions of adding a course after the deadline. You must also obtain the instructor’s signature on the back of the form. A copy of an email directly from the instructor granting you permission to add the course late may be substituted for a physical signature. Instructor permission must be dated within 48 hours of submitting the form, or the request will be denied, and you will be asked to provide updated documentation.
Submit the completed form and any supporting documentation via email to [email protected]. You will be notified via ASU email when your petition has been processed.
Override requests
Course overrides allow you to register for a course you are, for one reason or another, ineligible to register for. There are four types of override: prerequisite, section full, department/instructor consent and time conflict.
Overrides can only be granted by the department/school offering the course. If you would like to request an override for a course offered outside of the College of Global Futures, contact the advising unit for that department/school for their policy and procedure.
To request an override for a College of Global Futures (AML, BMY, FIS, SEA, SFS, SOS) course, submit the course override request form.
Overload requests (taking more than 18 credit hours in a semester, or more than 14 in the summer)
As an undergraduate student, you are limited to 18 credit hours in a fall/spring semester (up to 10 credit hours per A and B session) and 14 credit hours in a summer session (up to seven credit hours per A and B session). If you would like to enroll in more than the maximum number of credit hours, you may submit the credit overload request form.
Note: The overload criteria outlined on the form is a general guideline. Meeting these guidelines does not guarantee approval of your request, and each request is reviewed on an individual basis. Requests for more than 22 credit hours are rarely approved.
If you have been discontinued from the university and would like to resume taking courses toward your degree, you must submit an application for readmission through ASU Admissions. Readmission applications will be evaluated against the current admission standards of the College of Global Futures. You should list a second-choice major in case you are not admitted to your first-choice major at the time of application.
If you are admitted to your second-choice major and are still interested in being a College of Global Futures major, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to meet with a College of Global Futures undergraduate advisor to discuss strategies for meeting change of major requirements.
Sustainability theme course substitutions (sustainability minor and sustainability Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies concentration)
If you are a sustainability minor or Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies student and would like to request a substitute course for one of the Theme Area requirements, email [email protected].
Include your full name, 10-digit ID number, and the prefix/number and title of the course. Write at least one paragraph explaining how this course directly addresses the theme you are requesting it to cover. Attach a syllabus for the course to the email.
You will receive a response at your ASU email account when your request has been processed. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
Sustainability track elective substitutions
If you would like to request an alternative course for one of the challenge area/track elective requirements for the BA or BS in sustainability, email your request to [email protected].
Include your full name, 10-digit ID number, and the prefix/number and title of the course. Write at least one paragraph explaining how this course directly addresses the challenge area/track you are requesting it to cover and how it is related to your personal sustainability education goals. Attach a syllabus for the course to the email.
You will receive a response at your ASU email account when your request has been processed. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.
Upper division electives for sustainability minors (see your major advisor)
The two required upper division electives for the sustainability minor are selected in consultation with your major advisor (see a directory of advisors at ASU).
Additional questions regarding undergraduate policies and procedures can be directed to [email protected].