
Credit hour overload request

College of Global Futures undergraduate students may submit this form to request to take credits beyond the normal limit allowed in a session or term.

You must have a legitimate academic reason for a credit overload and be able to describe in detail how you will meet the demands of a heightened workload. Overloads of 22+ credit hours are rarely approved. Session A and B courses are accelerated and will be factored accordingly in the decision.

Overload requests will be considered for students who meet the following criteria. Requests are reviewed on an individual basis, and approval is not guaranteed, even if you meet these requirements:

Fall and Spring individual session A or BFall and Spring total combined sessions A, B, & CSummer individual session A or BSummer total combined sessions A, B, & C
Normal number of credits allowed:918714
3.0 cumulative GPA and one semester of 14 or more hours at ASU with a 3.0 semester GPA1019N/AN/A
3.25 cumulative GPA and two semesters of 16-18 hours at ASU with a 3.25 semester GPA or one semester of 19 hours with a 3.5 semester GPA1120-21815-17
3.5 cumulative GPA and one semester of 20 or more hours at ASU with a 3.5 semester GPA1222+918

The following rules also apply:

  • Students may not be repeating any course in which they received a grade of D or E in the overloaded semester.
  • Students requesting 22+ hours must also submit a curriculum plan mapping out an accurate pathway to graduation, including any declared minors, certificates, and/or concurrent degrees. Incomplete or incorrect curriculum plans will be returned to the student for correction.
  • Students in the hybrid year of a 4+1 program generally are not eligible for credit overloads, but all requests are reviewed on an individual basis

* You must complete all fields below

Your name(Required)
If you are pursuing a concurrent degree outside the College of Global Futures, you must meet the overload criteria for both programs. We will check with your concurrent degree advisors to verify your eligibility.
Are you pursuing a concurrent degree?(Required)
Term for which you are requesting the overload(Required)
List all the courses you will take in the term (total credit hours in this section must match the total number of credit hours you are requesting to take during the term)
Thoroughly explain why you need this overload and how you will manage this increase in workload. Address why it is not possible to wait until a future semester to take one or more of the requested courses.