Why do we have a College of Global Futures at Arizona State University?
There are, of course, multiple reasons for this. And there are similarly many different threads to the college’s origin story.
But one of those threads–and one that aligns deeply with my own interests around technology and society–is the increasingly urgent need to think and act differently when it comes to our collective relationship with the future.
I was reminded of this a few days ago when I was asked to record a short video-introduction to the college. This was intended for prospective graduate students in our School of Sustainability. But it got me thinking about why I personally believe the college is important.
This is the result:
I thought it worth posting here as captures something of the “secret sauce” (to me at least) of a college that brings together such a diversity of expertise and ideas, and how this connects with some of the biggest challenges we’re facing as we consider what sort of future we want to build together.
It is, of course, a personal perspective. But it is one that reflects why, to me, we have a College of Global Futures at ASU, and why this is so important to the future we’re all a part of creating.
And of course, if you happen to be looking for a unique degree program that’ll equip you to be part of building a more just, equitable, vibrant and sustainable future, do be sure to check us out! 😀