Custom programs for organizations
Whether you need to educate a small core of executives in a one-day or multi-day retreat, reach across the globe to connect a group of company leaders in a hybrid program, or train hundreds of employees through an online course, ASU’s College of Global Futures can deliver a custom or semi-custom program.
Our experience includes working with name-brand corporations, governments at all levels, both large and small non-governmental organizations, foundations, and other universities throughout the world. We can develop and deliver custom executive education programs that advance your organizational goals.
- Programs can range from 45-minute pre-recorded online lessons to multi-day or multi-week live instruction on specific issues.
- In-person training can be delivered at your location, on any ASU campus, including five campuses in Arizona and in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles.
- Online training can be delivered through ASU’s online learning platform or your organization’s own technology.
- Each program is built with expert instructional design and assessment on the front end, and meaningful in-depth evaluation after it has concluded, so you can measure learning advancements in your organization.
- The most successful programs often combine faculty from ASU with leaders from your organization and outside practitioners and subject matter experts.

Case Example:
2-day Executive Retreat on Climate Change, Sustainability and Investment

The World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) brought a geographically-distributed group of global employees to Tempe, AZ for a two-day level setting retreat on climate change and sustainability with the goal of making the participants more effective in climate-related interactions with in-country political and business leaders.
The Bank also wanted to create a cohort among participants that could initiate an ongoing and active climate change investment dialogue within the Bank. In a curriculum co-designed with ASU and co-taught with World Bank in-house experts, more than 30 participants from around the world participated in a program that featured eleven ASU faculty scholars.
Case Example:
Custom Online Training Program – A Virtual Employee Excursion of Yosemite National Park with Embedded Sustainability Lessons

A large U.S.-based financial institution wanted to provide its thousands of associates (employees) with a fun and interesting way to become more mindful of sustainability issues both at work and at home. The solution was the development of a 100% online virtual excursion to Yosemite National Park. This online program employed short video lessons and other technology, such as 360-degree spherical cameras that enable the user to export and interact with their visual environment and the park’s unique landmarks to understand how this incredible U.S. National Park approaches sustainability in its operations.
The training modules included topics such as global sustainability challenges, and the inter-related issues of energy, water, waste and food through the unique lens of the operations of a National Park. The story presents a systems perspective about Yosemite National Park and how concepts of sustainability are being operationalized, with applications for the learner’s home environment and daily actions, too.
Contact Us
Interested in sustainability training customized to advance your organization’s unique goals? We can help. Reach out to Ryan Johnson or Ryan Mores.