Academic status reports
The College of Global Futures strongly encourages instructors to utilize Academic Status Reports when students are not attending or participating in class or are at risk of not being successful in the course.
Academic Status Reports are always open. You can submit them whenever you have relevant information. A status report does not need to be entered for every student – only those the instructor would like to provide an ASR for.
What is an ASR?
An Academic Status Report is a method of providing early, personalized feedback regarding a student’s progress in a class. The system allows faculty to identify under-performing students and communicate specific reasons and suggest corrective actions. Students are notified through MyASU and via email when an ASR is completed for them.
Why is it important?
It is especially important that reports be submitted because advising tools allow advisors to see how many Academic Status Reports a student has received across the entire class schedule, a key indicator of a student struggling academically. The Academic Status Report process assists colleges and schools with improving retention rates for students by allowing advisors to intervene as early as possible to correct issues a student may have.
We would like to emphasize attendance, particularly in the first two weeks of your class. Early intervention is key to our success, and class attendance is an early, effective indicator of successful student behavior. Students who skip class are more likely to fail than students who go to class. For our ASU Online students, missed assignments are representative of attendance.
How do I submit an ASR?
The Academic Status Report system is accessible through the My ASU Faculty page. Go to My ASU and sign in. In the My Classes box, click the “Class Tools” icon and select “Academic Status Report” from the list. You will see the Academic Status Report option in your My Classes box during the appropriate reporting period for your class or classes.