College of Global Futures study abroad photo
School for the Future of Innovation in Society

Nathalie Hervé Memorial Travel Award

This travel award is for School for the Future of Innovation students, enrolled in SFIS undergraduate or graduate programs, in honor and memory of our travel coordinator, Nathalie Hervé, who was passionate about facilitating student travel for learning.

Awards of $500 each may be applied for, with the following eligibility criteria, application process and deadlines:


  • Travel on an ASU study abroad program that fits with your degree program (College of Global Futures programs preferred).
  • Travel to an academic conference where you are participating (organizing or presenting a paper).
  • Travel to conduct research, for MS students or PhD candidates, or in some circumstances undergraduate students (letter of support from faculty mentor required).


  • 250-300 words describing the purpose of the travel, and how/why this funding will be necessary.
  • Relevant documents to support your request (acceptance to a study abroad program or conference, letter from your advisor for a research trip, etc.).
  • Send applications to: 


  • For Fall travel (September to December):  August 1
  • For Spring travel (January to April):  November 1
  • For Summer travel (May to August):  April 1

Please note

Travel awards for Study Abroad travel will be processed through the scholarship system and deposited into the student’s account. All other travel will be processed through the MyASUTrip (Concur) system. Students should work with the College of Global Futures Travel Coordinator.