Global Futures Final Mile Fund
With generous donations and support, the College of Global Futures has established the Final Mile Fund for degree-seeking students in the college who have potential and need an extra boost to stay on track towards degree completion.
The fund assists students with financial need in meeting costs associated with course completion and career development, including, but not limited to:
- upgrades to education-related technologies;
- transportation fees;
- expenses to promote and maintain physical and mental health and wellbeing;
- dress clothes for interviews; and
- conference and networking fees.
Although it’s not intended to cover tuition and program fees, it can be used to help cover a smaller, remaining balance needed to continue enrollment. Award amounts may vary up to a maximum of $200 (with the average award in the range of $40 – $120). There is a limit of one award/student/year. Additionally, awards are not guaranteed and are subject to individual need and availability of funds.
In order to be eligible to apply for funds, you must:
- Be enrolled in a College of Global Futures degree program.
- Be in the final stretch of the program (the last three semesters).
- Have financial need.
- Identify what is needed to help you with course completion or career development.
Undergraduate students also typically have a cumulative ASU GPA of 2.0 or higher or have a documented academic warning or probation agreement in place.
Graduate students also typically have a cumulative ASU GPA of 3.0 or higher or have a documented probation agreement in place.
As funds are limited, not all students who apply will receive funding.
Application and application deadline
Rolling deadline.
Please use the following application to make your request.
- Final Mile Application (please make sure you answer all sections of the application)
Application reviews are coordinated by Dean’s Office designees, who will make a final decision regarding whether or not to award and the amount offered (which is also subject to the availability of funds). You will be notified of the decision by email and if awarded, the amount will be posted to your ASU account and the funds will be issued to you as a refund, bypassing any balance due. The quickest way to receive a refund is by making sure direct deposit is set up. Otherwise, funds will be issued via a check to the mailing address on file in the Profile section of My ASU.