Mission and vision
We all share a stake in the future. The College of Global Futures is dedicated to creating a sustainable and vibrant future for everyone.
Our vision
A sustainable, equitable and vibrant future for everyone on a thriving, healthy planet.
Our mission
To foster learning, discovery and partnerships that drive informed, positive action, as we work together to build a better future.

The future we want and need increasingly depends on our ability to think, act and manage on planetary scales. Our world class faculty will prepare next-generation leaders with the knowledge, skills and mindsets to tackle complex global challenges. With a diverse group of partners, the College of Global Futures will develop enduring solutions that benefit all people everywhere on a thriving, healthy planet.
Home to the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, the School of Sustainability, the School of Complex Adaptive Systems and the School of Ocean Futures the College of Global Futures will foster new interactions between students, staff, faculty and partners that will elevate our ability to understand complex, integrated social, environmental and technical systems, drive responsible innovation; and lead to ethical interventions that ensure a just, healthy and fulfilling future for everyone.
It is an honor and privilege to serve as the inaugural dean for the College of Global Futures. I look forward to working with all of you to achieve the critical and necessary goals of the college.